

北京鑫博的培训宗旨是让所有来到这里的学员突破“为取证而取证”的思维定势,通过培训达到能力的提升,具备现场分析问题和解决问题的能力。为此,公司培养打造了一流的教师队伍,目前具有IWCF国际井控培训资质和操作评审师资质教师4人,IADC Wellsharp国际井控培训资质教师5人,IADC Rigpass (HSE)培训资质教师10人,TTT教师4人,质量与HSE咨询师8人。所有教师均具有高超的中英文教学水平,丰富的现场经验,既严格要求学员,又具有浓厚的亲和力,让学员满怀希望而来,收获满满而归。
The purpose of BJXB is to let all the candidates who come here break through the learning thought of certificate only ", improve and enhance their capability to analyze and solve problems on site. In order to achieve this purpose, the company built a first-class team of teachers including 4 approved IWCF instructors and assessors,5 approved IADC Wellsharp instructors ,10 approved IADC Rigpass (HSE) instructors,4 approved TTT instructors,and 8 QHSE (Quality,Health,Safety and Environment) consultants. All instructors have excellent Chinese and English teaching and abundant on-site experience, not only be strict with candidates but also has a strong affinity for them, who comes with hope and return with harvest.